Our Mission : Aviation pictures the world needs to see. And some other stuff too.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Airport Police

These photos DO NOT show a vehicle used by the security guards who hassle aviation photographers at an airport near here. In fact, these pictures were taken a long time ago someplace far away. By someone else.

We personally have a great working relationship with our guys, and think they deserve a big pay raise!


  1. I remember that airport and those pri**s. They must have all had dominant wives, and their only outlet in life was to be a fuc**ng pri**.

  2. And I bet they all have small pri**s.

  3. A reminder ... "Comments made by individuals not connected to this website are made on their own volition."

  4. We have those same punks at our airport, but you can take great pictures all day at Heathrow withought anybody bugging you.

  5. I take professional pictures all day at Denver with no problem with security. Why do you guys at small airports have idiot security guards?

  6. He just had a couple drinks, that's all.

  7. I dig how they only have like three trucks, but it has the number, "78."

  8. "Excuse me sir, you can't take pictures here." "If you go over there inside this fence you'll get a better sun angle." Follow me .
